We are more than just a Sunday service
Parks Presbyterian Church has a rich history of contribution to its community. Our Church maintains strong programs focused on fellowship, health, and of course God.
We believe the lord has blessed us with the gift of being able to help and support every person that comes in contact with our church.
You can view below some of our programs and amenities.
Morning Star Quilters
Morning Star Quilters meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 9 AM. We gather to create quilts and burp rags that we donate to those in need.
Quilts are donated to those in need such as...
Schools call when a family has a crisis such as fire or loss of family member and each child in family gets one
Nursing homes are always appreciative and lap quilts are often created for them
The Cancer Resource Center has a supply available
Whenever a need is brought to our attention we do our best to help
A label is put on the back of each quilt gifted, which says ...
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.
Mission and Stewardship
The purpose of the Mission and Stewardship Committee is to present various appeals to the congregation throughout the year, and to support mission work locally and world-wide.
Appeals sponsored by Park Presbyterian Church vary from those supporting the Presbyterian Church USA, Church World Service and appeals for local projects that require financial support. These are presented to the congregation through Minutes for Mission, Park Press articles and Sunday bulletin articles written by the committee and letters sent to the congregation.
The Stewardship side of this committee is to develop a stewardship appeal for the congregation in October of each year completing the first Sunday of November. Information to the congregation is the same as those listed above.
Member Care
Plans events for church members promoting fellowship within the membership. Sends birthday cards to members at the appropriate time. Keeps track of active members and those that may need a little extra support.
Music and Worship
The Music and Worship committee addresses many service needs such as
-arranging communion elements and cleaning up after communion as well as the purchasing of any needed items
-organizing communion servers
-organizing liturgists and special readers
-organizing ushers
-displaying appropriate paraments throughout the church year
-decorating the church for general services, Harvest, Christmas, Lent, etc.
-seeing that organ and pianos are tuned annually
-supporting the Pastor in any special service needs or organization of any special services (Outside service, etc.)
-maintaining the Flower Room
-recognizing the choir, tech volunteers, annually with a thank you treat
Music selection is left to the Pastor, Organist and the Choir Director. In essence, M/W does a lot of behind the scenes work to make our church space welcoming for worship.
Building Use
The Building Use Committee was created in order to establish rules for the use of both the Church building and Park Place. Guidelines from the three members committee have been developed to determine who or what organizations can rent the church properties; set prices for the rental of the buildings and establish rules for the rental.
Every rental request must be submitted to the Administrative Assistant in the Church Office in order to determine that the requested rental date is available
Living Memorial Tree
The Living Memorial Tree Committee is responsible for the promotion of Church members to memorialize loved ones through a minimum donation of $500 to the Church. With 25% of the funds going to the General Fund and a 75% going to a permanent endowment fund.
For each contribution a gold leaf will be added to the Living Memorial Tree located on the north wall in Perk Place. The inscription on the leaf is determined by the donor but is restricted to a maximum of 50 letters and spaces.
Community Outreach (Cancer Patient Resource Center
In October 2020 Park Church took over the sponsorship of our local Cancer Patient Resource Center located in the OSF Healthcare-Streator facility located at 111 Spring Street. As our mission states, “God’s Hands in the Heart of Streator” this was a great community outreach opportunity for our Church to take on to continue this service to our local areas.
The Center has many services to offer the cancer patient which are all FREE. Available items include mastectomy bras, post camisoles, breast prosthesis, wigs, hair pieces, scarves, hats, turbans, breast pillows, lap blankets, and quilts.
The Center is serviced by volunteers, and operates on kind donations from groups and our community.
Hours of operation are Monday and Wednesday 10AM – 2PM. Or by appointment.
The nominations committee serves as an ad hoc committee, meaning it is formed anew and meets yearly for the sole purpose of obtaining needed candidates to serve on the church’s Session and Deacon boards.
The committee generally numbers no more than half a dozen or so and is normally formed via nominations from the congregation at its first biennial meeting. This is held typically in the first quarter of the year (Jan-Feb-Mar). The committee should include representative(s) from the Session but Deacons and other congregational members at large should outnumber the Session committee members.
Unless there are vacancies mid-year (needing to be filled due to resignation or illness/death), the committee usually meets in the late Summer/early Fall to begin the process of determining how many board member spots will need to be filled. The work is mainly completed by phone, email and personal contact.
The goal is to have a full slate of officers (either new or re-upping for a second term) to present at the second of the biannual congregational meetings, typically held in November. At that meeting, the committee chair presents the potential slate of officers which is voted upon by the congregation, after the opportunity is given for any nominations from the floor. Officers serve a 3-year term (unless shortened as a fill-in for an unexpected vacancy).
Candidates are generally asked to “re-up” for a second term if they so choose. But only six years may be consecutively served before a “sabbatical” year (leave of absence) is enforced. This allows both a well-deserved break and an opportunity for new members to serve.
Interviews and hires staff when needed
J.O.Y (Just Older Youth)
Organizes events for the older Streator Community by providing education programs they may be interested in as well as fun projects. Lunch is also served.
The Elders are elected officers and this committee serves as the governing board of Park Church
Deacons serve church members in need as well as do some community outreach with special projects
Two of our committees have joined forces in order to be “more in the know” on things. Our campus is made up of buildings over 100 years old, and there are bricks and mortar issues that come up from time to time, besides the normal up keep. Our committee over sees the financial picture of the Church and works closely with the Treasurer and reports monthly to Session.
Christian Education
C.E. prepares children bible lessons as well as coordinates with the Pastor for adult education